Let Me Tell You a Story

We love a good story. In fact, we are hardwired for stories.[1] [2] “And the elements of a good story are always the same,” says journalist Dan Gardner. “It has to be about people. And it has to have novelty, drama and conflict.”[3] “The elements of a good story are always the same. It hasContinue reading “Let Me Tell You a Story”

Draft #2-Timberati on the Graveyard Shift

Lee Lofland over at the Graveyard Shift has asked if I’d like to do a guest column. Lee’s a retired detective who’s “solved cases in areas including narcotics, homicide, rape, murder-for-hire, robbery, and ritualistic and occult crimes. He worked as an undercover officer for several jurisdictions, and he even spent a few years as aContinue reading “Draft #2-Timberati on the Graveyard Shift”

I Think About Baseball When I Write

Crawford Killian has an interesting post about “Sexual symbolism in fiction“. Mr. Killian taught writing (if memory serves, though it might have been English Composition) at Capilano College for forty years and has written several novels. What brought the subject up was he had commented on the passing of Michael Crichton and how Crichton hadContinue reading “I Think About Baseball When I Write”

Multiple POV or Head Hop?

One tenet for writers, besides write, write, write, is read, read, read. I don’t recall where I read it, but a published author said (paraphrasing), “Don’t just read the great stuff, read lousy stuff too.” A couple years ago, I put the first ten thousand words of my story (working title: Timber Beast) on YouWriteOn.com,Continue reading “Multiple POV or Head Hop?”